Adij Desir found in Midland: Is He Mentally Retarded ?

The misplacement of a boy Adij Desir in 2009 from Florida was a troubling situation for his family and closest ones. He couldn’t talk because he was mentally retarded by birth. This congenital hazard complicated the situation more. He had an entire understanding of his native language but was unable to respond verbally. Only he can answer the question in yes or no. The efforts of the police and family went in vain, and they failed in finding him. Time passed away. A few months ago, Midland police found a child with the same disability and resemblance as a boy (Adij Desir), lost 14 years ago.

Back in 2009, the missing children belonged to the Afro-American race and comprise facial features like that. His family called him “Ji Ji”, which was his loved name. His attire consisted blue t-shirt with yellow-colored lines in it, paired with blue shorts. He had blue shoes. Having a Haitian backdrop, he was able to comprehend the Haitian language regardless of his disabled mental function. His impairment kept him away from meeting unknown people. So, he got terrified when got connected with an unfamiliar person. After 5:15 pm on January 10, no one saw him again. It became a puzzle for the family how he got misplaced suddenly.

Why Adij Desir was not present at Home?

When he disappeared, he was not present at his parental home. Adij Desir mother had taken him to his grandmother’s home, existing in Immokalee. While playing in the village’s countryside with other kids, he never returned home. Two hours were spent searching for him without the help of the district’s constabulary team. But when nothing worked, his grandmother was forced to take the help from police. Police arrived there and investigated the whole scenario. And the inquiry was prolonged for several months for in-depth scrutinization of the adjoining places.

The inquiry was done on a broader spectrum, locality residents cooperated with his family and authorities. Further, a helicopter and boat assisted in the inspection. And they used advanced high-tech devices for probing the matter. But no futile results were accomplished.

Concerning this case, no clue came to light that suspected the involvement of his family in disappearing him. So, they were excluded from the upcoming investigating actions. When all remained unresolved, his grandma shifted to his parental home (Adij’s mother, Marie Neida and Stepfather). Anyhow, the mystery remained unsolved. Today, he would be a twenty years young boy.

What’s new about Adij Desir’s Case? Let’s Unfold

The case revived again with the finding of an adolescent boy in the region of Texas (Midland). The police officers are considering this child as Adij Desir, who had been lost at his grandmother’s place years ago. They are thinking because of the same non-vocal feature and appearance. But the constabulary has requested the local civilians and his family to help them in the exact identification of the recently found young child in Midland.

On social platforms, people are contemplating Adij’s old pictures with a newly found teenage boy. A few of them are posting that both of them could not be the same person. They shared words that every physical trait is different from the missing child. While some of them passed a clear-cut statement “That’s 100% Adij Desir”. This matter has been complicated.

After the published report of the Police Department of Midland, the mother of Adij couldn’t resist contacting them. And she responded openly that she is on the police’s side. According to the constabulary statement, the inquiry is proceeding in recognition of a teenage boy found a few months ago. But, still, it’s undecided that he’s the same boy missing 14 years ago in Florida despite the community’s help. He is uncommunicative because of his speaking disability. He has written his name “Cordarius” in multiple attempts we performed by him. His fingerprints have been taken along with his DNA. No result has been announced from the police or Adij’s family.

Final Words

The child who got found by Midland Constabulary on January 29, is under the protective custody of Midland. It has become a hot topic of 2023 in the United States. To collect precise information, the contact number of the relevant police branch has been given to the public.

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