About Us

Get to know Primestic

Primestic provides you with accurate, reliable, credible, engaging, and balanced information. We review our content regularly to make sure it is current and accurate.

Our goal is to produce high-quality content that represents and serves all people, working with a diverse team of writers and editors. We provide the highest quality content created by humans, for humans, regardless of age, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or ability. We do not allow automatic content publishing generated by AI-based writing tools.

Independence and Impartiality

Journalism should be independent, fair, and impartial. We hold editors and writers accountable for their honesty and transparency, and we do not rely on advertising to write original editorial content. Our editorial content and advertising are strictly separated because of this. Advertisers and sponsors are clearly identified.

Research and sourcing

All claims are investigated and verified by our writers, including any news articles. We consult relevant, diverse sources to guarantee proper context and background.

Whenever possible, we use current and credible primary sources, including expert interviews, government organizations, professional and academic institutions, and studies.

Feature articles are rigorously evaluated by a staff editor for accuracy, relevance, and timeliness before they are published.


A story may be corrected when it contains an error. All corrections will be clearly labeled as such and include when and what was changed. It may be updated without an editor’s note when an article is factually correct, but its language is not clear or detailed.

We continuously review and update evergreen content to ensure it is timely, accurate, and relevant. Timely and daily news stories cover a specific event in time, so they are not regularly updated. A date stamp indicates the date when the article was last updated.

Let us know if you notice any errors or issues at [email protected].

Diversity and Inclusion

Primstic’s mission is to simplify everyone’s lives. Our solution to structural and societal obstacles is to understand and address them. Primestic readers are not a monolith: they come in all shapes, sizes, identities, and abilities, from different relationships and families, and follow different cultures and religions. Our platform will foster inclusivity, equality, and human rights, and we aim to make Primestic a valuable resource for everyone.